Unit 17 Website development

This is to give learners a knowledge of how websites function and an understanding of their purpose as business tools. Learners will then again develop the skills required to design and create a multiple page website.

The worldwide web has given rise to a new medium of communication. Websites can allow us to ‘walk into’ a world with very few boundaries. We can find MP3 files and download them with ease. Our digital images can be sent to relatives overseas in seconds. We can go shopping without leaving our homes and source the
very best prices with the click of a mouse button.

Essential to developing the worldwide web are the people who design effective documents that can be ‘read’ by a web browser. Web designers have the fascinating task of taking text, images, video and other resources and crafting them into high quality documents for broadcasting across the world via the internet. Their brief is to produce attractive and informative sites that are accessible to everyone. This includes users with disabilities, where, for example, features can allow speech synthesisers to read out pages for blind users. In this unit learners see the potential of the web and will develop a skill set which will be highly valued by industry and commerce as well as being a useful personal skill for leisure pursuits.